Swae, the future of Digital Democracy – Blockchain Futurist Conference

[Michelle Rempel, Canadian MP and Tanya Woods, Web3 Expert plug Swae in the main Arena]

15 August 2022 2.40 min Video, 1 min Read

Michelle Rempel @MichelleRempel Canadian Member of Parliament and Tanya Woods @BeingTMW a Web3 expert (amongst many other things!) discussing how transformative technology such as Swae.io can improve the current state of Corporate, Government and NGO democracy & play a constructive role in replacing the need for politicians in 10 yrs, as well as giving everyone in the community a voice, inclusivity and fairness.

Thanks both for mentioning Swae in the main arena, this is exactly what we’re building Swae for.

Video credit to Futurist Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOav5oczuLY

About Blockchain Futurist

Blockchain Futurist Conference is Canada’s largest Crypto and Blockchain Event – August 8-10 2022 in Toronto.

The @Futurist_conf brings together 100+ world-class speakers, industry experts, and thought-leaders to discuss blockchain technology, NFTs, Metaverse, DeFi, Cryptocurrency, DAOs and more.

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