Swae for Citizen Engagement
Smarter cities through the voice of your citizens
Citizens want a voice in decision making and transparency in how decisions are made. Swae helps innovative public leaders listen to these needs so they can reap the rewards of good ideas.

Did you know over 51% of citizens are dissatisfied with how democracy is working?
Engaging your citizens
is more important than ever

Smart leaders who actively hear ideas and opinions from their constituents experience:

improvement in levels of institutional trust.
more citizen participation in democratic processes.
improvement in tax contributions and tax compliance.
How cities connect with their citizens with Swae

Digital Public Consultations

Digital Public Policy Creation

Digital Community Programming
Swae works
Invest in Swae for Citizen Engagement.
Wisdom within your jurisdiction
…say Swae helped them convey ideas better that other collaboration platforms they’d used or have access to
Tackle disengaged citizens
…report Swae increased their engagement, motivation and happiness by helping them have a meaningful voice in decisions
Stay competitive & avoid disruption
…believe Swae surfaced ideas that would not have otherwise surfaced [using other tools or processes]
Easy community collaboration
…say Swae made collaboration easier, and sharing ideas more accessible in their whole community

Stay productive and aligned with your city, even when they’re not in the same room
Power public consultation in a whole new way, by leveraging the wisdom of crowds to digitally transform your municipality.
Synthesize research
Align your constituency around the big picture
Review objectives
Evaluate opportunities faster
Strategize on what to invest budget into next
Reshape citizens expectations by transforming how they participate in complex decisions that affect them and their communities.
Avoid creating policies and decisions in a vacuum
Quickly get and share important information
Evaluate and align, fast
Keep pace with the digital evolution of society

Swae is your trusted and secure choice for engaging your citizens
Engage productive citizen involvement with a fully digital solution for smart listening for ground breaking ideation, all while being protected by enterprise-grade security.
Set the Mission, get decision-ready solutions
Set your citizens to task on your biggest (and smallest) challenges, and you’ll be amazed by the ideation and innovation within your municipality.

Swae delivers direct impact to your city
avg. value of innovation ideas revealed over 12 months.
increase in engagement of your constituency*.
direct cost saving ideas have been generated.
3 month
payback period.
improvement in time saved by administrators managing idea generation program
improvement in sourcing investable decisions*.
Results based on aggregated findings and impacts reports from client implementations.
*Over and above other engagement tools & approaches used.
Real examples of our partners bringing civic participation to life

Swae Partners with the Igarapé Institute and the UN launching a global digital consultation to strengthen international cooperation.

“Swae is a critical platform to take these kinds of debates to the next level. Swae will not just help develop new ideas, it will also ensure a high degree of diversity and inclusion in the consultation itself.”
Robert Muggah
Founder, Igarape Institute

“Swae offers the possibility of bringing together representatives at different geographic locations. Moreover, Swae helps by supporting the collective, transparent, and anonymous discussion of CCL-related ideas among all representatives.”
Dr. Iván S. Razo-Zapata
COCOA Collaborative Innovation BV

Swae’s platform was used by Adapt Chile in a digital consultation engaging the Chilean Network of Municipalities on 6 new pillars of Chilean Climate Change Law.

Explore more ways to use Swae

Say hello to smart decision making.
Learn how Swae can support your organization.