Swae for DAOs & Decentralized governance
Smarter DAOs use decentralized decision making tools
Stakeholders want a voice in decision making and transparency in how decisions are made. Swae helps innovative DAOs listen to these needs so they can reap the rewards of good ideas.
The simple way, is the smart way
The old way
A complex, disconnected, multi-faceted approach
The Swae way
A single & transparent source of truth

• Complex Process
• Data easily lost
• Uncertain Traceability
• Confusing Accountability
• Uncertain levels of Trust

• Streamlined Process
• Actionable Outcomes
• Traceable Accountability
• High Participation
• High Trust
• High Inclusivity
Engaging members transparently
is more important than ever
Swae’s platform and Proposal development system can significantly improve the inefficiencies and poor user experience associated with raising, deliberating, and voting on Proposals using traditional tools like Discord, Discourse, Tally, Snapshot, Forums and the like.
Swae has a very streamlined and accessible format for Proposals that invites users to table ideas, and invites others to suggest edits, raise questions, point out any concerns and strengths, discuss and vote on the idea; all in one transparent, single source of truth.
It helps keep collective input manageable and traceable for helps you keep all your ideas well organized under various themes and challenges.
Swae is the one decision, that can help improve every decision.

Grant & Funding Proposals
(Progressive Decentralization)

TOKEN HOLDER Consultations


Policy Creation & CHANGES

Decentralized Governance
Did you know there are 1.7M governance token holders
and 523k active voters in the DAO ecosystem
Feb 2022: Source deepdao.io
If you’re a DAO, we’re already speaking your language…
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an entity with no central leadership and work without traditional hierarchical management- that’s why we built Swae. DAOs are usually internet-native organizations, collectively owned and managed by their members, governed by a community organized around a specific set of rules, enforced with full transparency, inclusivity and accountability.
DAOs aren’t only about payment systems and other financial instruments, but reimagine how both the financial, consumer & corporate world operates.
DAOs aim to be governed by democratic or highly participatory processes, with decisions generally bring made from the bottom-up, via proposals the group proposes and votes on during a specified period.
Large blockchain-based ecosystems envision a future where groups coordinate remotely (and occasionally anonymously) irrespective of numerous social biases, relying exclusively on collaboration and decision making software.
That’s where Swae comes in….

Stay productive and aligned with all your members
Leverage the wisdom of crowds to let your members vote on the project’s roadmap and maintain governance over every proposal.
Synthesize proposals
Align token holders around the big picture
Evaluate opportunities faster
Strategize on what to invest budget into next
Reshape member expectations by transforming how they participate in complex decisions that affect them and the organization as a while.
Avoid creating policies and decisions in a vacuum
Quickly get and share important information
Evaluate and align, fast
Keep pace with the digital evolution of core DAO features

Swae is your trusted and secure partner for engaging all voices
Get productive member involvement with a fully transparent solution for trail-blazing ideas and voting on proposals, all while being protected by enterprise-grade security.
Set the Mission, get decision-ready solutions
Set your token holders to task on your biggest (and smallest) challenges, and you’ll be amazed by the ideation and innovation within your municipality.

Testimonials from our partners bringing decentralized and community-led grant funding, policy creation, and governance to life with Swae

Swae Partners with the Igarapé Institute and the UN launching a global digital consultation to strengthen international cooperation.

“Swae is a critical platform to take these kinds of debates to the next level. Swae will not just help develop new ideas, it will also ensure a high degree of diversity and inclusion in the consultation itself.”
Robert Muggah
Founder, Igarape Institute

“Swae offers the possibility of bringing together representatives at different geographic locations. Moreover, Swae helps by supporting the collective, transparent, and anonymous discussion of CCL-related ideas among all representatives.”
Dr. Iván S. Razo-Zapata
COCOA Collaborative Innovation BV

Swae’s platform was used by Adapt Chile in a digital consultation engaging the Chilean Network of Municipalities on 6 new pillars of Chilean Climate Change Law.

“It had a clear signal to the community, this is what we need.
We want to have decisions that involve the perspectives of the community.”
Darius Polak
Managing Director
Bosch International Alumni Centre